Friday 2 August 2013


So the first thing I do in the morning is do yoga which includes 3 pranayams namely Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Sheershasan.  Remember that you should be empty stomach while doing yoga.

Second  thing I do in the morning is take a 2 litres water bottle and drink it in like 30 to 45 minutes.

Third thing I do is drink the juice of Phylllanthus emblica (amla) mixed with Bottle gourd (lauki). If not possible you can also eat Phylllanthus emblica (amla).

Fourth thing I do is apply the mixture of Coconut Oil, Wasp nest and Juice of Hibiscus Racemes on my head which I am going to tell you in detail in my other post. At night before sleeping, I apply the same mixture along with onion juice on my head and wash it off the next day.

Fifth and the last thing which I do is nail rubbing Acupressure for 5 to 10 minutes a day in the morning and evening.

I will explain the essential steps from the above to get it done correctly..


  1. Hi, I really appreciate that you created such a informative and useful blog.Even I am suffering from hair loss and I have some queries for you regarding wasp's nest+coconut oil + Hibiscus Racemes leaves which Even i heard in Baba Ramdev's video? He claims it to be a life saviour...Can you please give ur email ID or mail me @ want to have a conversation with you

  2. Can you please advise as to where can I find Wasp nest and Juice of Hibiscus Racemes?

  3. baba ramdev medical stores in India

  4. extra virgin olive and castor oil also help reducing hair fall. it helps in stopping hair fall also if used regularly. they should be mixed in equal quantities. Heat the mixed quantity for a min or less. overheating of the oil mixture is not recommended because it may hamper the oil qualities. Then apply it on your scalp and massage for 10 mins. Massaging helps blood circulation on scalp. Also using olive and castor oil fights against infection. While massaging keep your head down i.e., below your chest. Diet is very important in hair fall. Daily uses of yogurt provide sufficient amount of calcium and its really good. Carrot and tomato are very helpful in reducing and recovering hair fall. Carrot makes the hair shaft strong. Nail rubbing is great too. But there is tricks in nail rubbing. We have to rub the back of our nail not the front and thumb nails. Because by rubbing front and thumb nail brings facial hair and ear hair. So rub the back of the nail. Baba Ramdev has explained it. You can watch in youtube. Exercises play important role. As mentioned above these three yoga asanas are really effective. And for the people who have this disorder genetically, masturbation hampers a lot. Because it weakens the hair somehow I can't tell you what is the exact answer, I am sorry for that. I studied it somewhere. Rest is up to you. And last thing is that always stay cool. Don't take tension because it's useless. Instead of this do your work properly. Smoking and drinking affects the most. So, stop smoking and drinks. You will see the results. Do your work properly. Right now I will use the wasp nest, coconut oil,etc, recipe...And then I will share my views.

    1. hello.. Can anyone share details where I can got this wasp nest and hibiscus leaves oil?? I need it.

  5. hello.. Can anyone share details where I can got this wasp nest and hibiscus leaves oil?? I need it.


  6. Can you please give us your number. it seems you haven't updated your blog lately. can you also post some before and after pics

  7. How to prepare the comb oil?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. my wasp nest is made up of it normal.. I saw a video in YouTube that how to prepare this oil, and there... this comb seems like wax.
    But one of relative give this to me.. and it texture is soily. So what do I do... prepare this oil from these or just leave it.

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