Saturday 10 August 2013

Causes of hairfall

Life span of hair follicles on head is about 2 to 6 years after which they shed and are replaced by new hair follicles . In case of alopecia, the rate of regeneration of hair slows down and eventually stops. speaking particularly about male pattern baldness,increased level of testosterone is responsible for the hair fall. So what particularly we can do is consume antioxidants to counter the effect of testosterone.

Stress is one of the major factors which results in hair loss. Hypertension and anger are two big factors which conclude to the hair fall. Meditation and yoga can help in bringing peace to mind and body.

The diet taken should be balanced with consumption of more green vegetables. One thing I do in my diet is eat coriander (dhania) leaves with my food. Antioxidants include phyllanthus emblica (amla), almond, green tea, etc.
Above are one of the few things which I have been using for a while.

Some of the priorities you need to do before starting any hair cure is stop smoking if you do.
Consumption of junk food and oily food should be avoided

Cleanliness of scalp
Try to keep your scalp clean. try not to use chemical products.. Wash your head with normal tap water without using any chemical shampoo on regular basis. One thing can be done is application of sour curd and  lemon as shampoo which will not only remove the dirt but also make your scalp dandruff free.  Avoid touching your scalp specially if you are bald because it will only give you more hair fall. After washing our hair generally what we do is take towel and rub it on our head.. well stop doing that. just dab it along gently..

Friday 2 August 2013

Causes of hairfall

Combing and Hair Styling

Comb your hairs gently in the direction of their growth for 5 minutes. What it will do is help in giving blood circulation to your scalp . Please donot use gels and foams for your hairstyling.. It gave a lot of trouble to me. Do-not go for a strained tight fitting hairstyle and don't style your hairs against their orientation as you may have seen specially in girls who try to back-fold their hair eventually loose some hairs from their forehead . Just let them be in their orientation....


So the first thing I do in the morning is do yoga which includes 3 pranayams namely Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Sheershasan.  Remember that you should be empty stomach while doing yoga.

Second  thing I do in the morning is take a 2 litres water bottle and drink it in like 30 to 45 minutes.

Third thing I do is drink the juice of Phylllanthus emblica (amla) mixed with Bottle gourd (lauki). If not possible you can also eat Phylllanthus emblica (amla).

Fourth thing I do is apply the mixture of Coconut Oil, Wasp nest and Juice of Hibiscus Racemes on my head which I am going to tell you in detail in my other post. At night before sleeping, I apply the same mixture along with onion juice on my head and wash it off the next day.

Fifth and the last thing which I do is nail rubbing Acupressure for 5 to 10 minutes a day in the morning and evening.

I will explain the essential steps from the above to get it done correctly..
Starting with myself, as a teenager I suffered from hair loss problem since I was in high school. Initially I thought its just a telogen phase and my hairs will grow back . At that time only 50 to 60 hair follicles used to fall everyday but it didn't stop there. As the days passed by,  I started noticing a considerable loss in my forehead area and in the end my whole crown area including my forehead was bald. I tried many things to stop the hair fall, used different ayurvedic medicines, oiled my scalp but nothing happened. I also tried to minoxidil solution (5% conc.). Though minoxidil solution was effective in regrowth but it had its own adverse effects on me. One more thing I would like to tell you people is that earlier I used to do yoga for like 3 months which didn't  give me any luck. So what I did to cure my baldness and regrow my hairs was a routine of exercises . I followed 5 simpe steps on day to day basis which really helped me a lot.

The picture on the left is taken right after one month of the medication and on the right is just after 15 days past the image on the left side... I must tell you that I have noticed a significant change ... I could really feel the hairs growing on the crown area and on forehead as well. One thing i try to do is keep my hairs short. Will keep posting new images after every 15 days.


Sorry that I do not have the images of the day 1 when I started the meditation. Somehow I believed that this time also I will not get any results 

30th july (45 days)

Above are the pictures of my crown area and the sides of my forehead....
Pictures were taken after one and a half month of meditation..
There is a reasonable growth in my crown area as it was totally bald earlier and more over if you closely obsereve, there has been a little growth of hairs in my forehead area too
My hairs have stopped falling to a considerable rate and are growing faster.

Extra things to do

If you find some time then what you can do is apply aloe vera on your scalp . Peel the outer skin of aloe vera and apply it on your scalp. Please don't buy the aloe vera products available in the market because they contain chemicals. Instead what you can do is grow it in your balcony, lawn area or in free spaces you have...

One more thing you can do if possible is apply the juice of Phyllanthus emblica (amla) on your head.
Well that's too much to do but its not necessary to do..

Allopathic medicines

Minoxidil solution

As I said that i used to use minoxidil solution before and to be truthful with you people I did get the results within 2 months. The hair follicles around my crown area started to grow back but I din't stop my hair fall. so I continued using the product named Mintop Forte which is widely used in Indian market as a minoxidil solution .What made me stop using that product was growth of facial hairs below my eyes. Moreover minoxidil solution had an itching sensation and dandruff on my scalp. As soon as I stopped the medication, there was an exponential hair loss and the bad news is that I still have have those facial hairs. So I do not recommend  this product specially for females because we don't want a girl with a moustache :P. It may not effect in same way to the other people as it affected me in the first place but its a risk and you have to decide.

Finasteride ( Propecia)

finasteride commonly known as propecia is another alternative which helps in regrowth of hairs .In my early days, I was prescribed propecia along with minoxidil solution by a skin doctor. I continued using it  for like 2 weeks until my family doctor told me about its side-effects. Then I found under various articles that there is a high  percentage chance of getting prostrate cancer, loss of sexual desire and many more bad things. Just google it and u will find that the medicine is good in one way and bad in many.......

Hair transplant

Hair transplant is also a quick option and one thing for sure that it also takes 1 year to show its effect. More over its costly too with needles and injections involved. The method which I have told may also take same amount of time but mostly you will see the results in 1 to 3 months and believe me it will work !!!